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From little caterpillar feet to blossoming butterfly wings, good early education and preparation makes a huge difference to how your child will transition into their new school environment. 
On their last stepping stone towards primary school we ensure that our Caterpillar’s grow and develop at their own pace, preparing them for the changes ahead.

We are extremely proud to have a very special partnership with Brookhurst Primary School that allows our Caterpillars to access and get used to what a ‘big school’ feels like. It means that when the day comes, they already have a sense of what to expect and a head start to their primary school journey.
Some of our pre-school focussed activities include:

Pre-School Excellence

School Lunches

Each afternoon our Caterpillars join Brookhurst children in the lunch hall.  They learn to line up for their hot lunches* or sit and eat their packed lunches with the Foundation and Year 1 children.  The hustle and bustle of the school hall can be one of the biggest changes, and sometimes the most daunting.  By doing this from the start, and with their key person by their side, it just becomes part of their normal day. We also enjoy seeing any older siblings at school, and on special occasions, get to share dinner with them. 

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Partners with the Foundation Team

Frm the very beginning we follow the EYFS framework (Early Years Foundation Stage).  This framework carries through to Foundation / Reception class in the primary school setting being taught during their first year of primary school.  Close partnerships and joint working with the Brookhurst Early Years team offers our Caterpillars valuable learning experiences that help to accelerate and prepare them for the increase in structured play and development.

School Assemblies

During the school year we are invited to attend a whole school assembly at Brookhurst Primary School. It offers them an opportunity to practice lining up, sitting down and celebrating our school friend achievements.  It encourages a further sense of community and allows them to experience the level of expectation and behaviour standards within a school environment.

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Inside / Outside Spaces

Brookhurst Primary School boasts exceptional inside and outside spaces and facilities. We have the privilege of being able to take advantage of the Spinney (think wellies, mud, wildebeests and great fun learning about the world around them), and the school hall offers a great opportunity to be active or create learning experiences on a larger scale.

Click here to learn more about Brookhurst Primary School


Find out how we work with you to provide a wonderful experience for your child.

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