nurturing caterpillars into butterflies through play and education
Ullswater Avenue | Leamington Spa | CV32 6NH
01926 420051
Life at Caterpillar Nursery
Children learn by doing, thinking, exploring, through quality interaction, intervention and relationships founded by children’s interest and abilities across a variety of contexts.
Active learning provides opportunities for children to develop vital skills and knowledge building a positive attitude to learning. Every day is a new day at Caterpillar Nursery and whilst there are some ‘routine’ tasks that happen during our sessions, each child is able to blossom at their own pace and is provided with opportunities to develop as confident, empowered, resilient and happy individuals.
Our Outside World
All children have free flow access to our outdoor classroom, with visits to the garden. Here they are able to move freely, quickly and climb. Children are encouraged to take care of our plants and understand the importance of the world around them.
Our Caterpillars have access to construction, role play, water, a sand pit, and a mud kitchen. and are able to access wheeled toys encouraging them to build balancing, turn taking and sharing skills.
Our mud kitchen allows children to use their maths skills to measure, weigh, calculate and mix media using a variety of tools from around the world.
Exceptional Learning Experiences
As our Caterpillars begin to grow their wings, we offer a range of bespoke educational experiences which enable children to become successful lifelong learners with confidence and self-belief, including:
Guitar Man - Where Keir brings his gutiar to help us tune in to our listening and attention skills.
Cookery Club which incorporates maths and science, as well as communication.
Woodland Wildlife sessions – out into the Spinney at Brookhurst School
Awarded member of Warwickshire Inclusion Kitemarking Scheme.